Kolumbusz Kristóf

Episodes 26
Duration 25 mins
Status Befejezett
Release Date 1992.11.28.
End Date 1993.03.30.
Format TV Series

An anime commemorating the 500th anniversary of Columbus' landing to the New World.

Christopher Columbus is a man of strong will. His life is full of drama. Born in Genoa, he realizes his dream of becoming a sailor, dares to search for a new route, and finally reaches his goal, discovering a new land in the process. Sometimes in desperation, sometimes in excitement, his experiences are truly extraordinary.

Note: The series originally broadcasted in Italy on Canale 5 from November 28, 1992 to March 30, 1993. In Japan, it was broadcasted exactly a decade later from November 28, 2002 to March 30, 2003.

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